Friday 22 August 2008


I come from a very close knit family my mum, dad and two sisters. Quite a strict upbringing but it taught me to respect others and installed in me good manners. I suppose in my teens I was seen as a bit of a handful,but that was only to people I didnt like. Brought up on one of the most toughest and troublesome estates in London means you have to be like that sometimes, much to my parents dismay. But I turned out alright and finally married my first love and am settled down and more than happy now. Strict catholic background but only a bit really stuck with me, though my mum and dad still attend church every sunday without fail. They are good people, hardworking and honest and I am thankful to have had that influence in my life. I think it has made me very respectful of others, and what they believe, and so my upbringing may have been tough and strict, but on all counts I am better off for it. My interest in the paranormal is thanks to wife, who was my girlfriend back then over 20 years ago thats when it began. We had our own ghostly visitor in our home when I was growing up, and I suppose I have always been curious to what really is out there.

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